
Looking at comedy & parodies from a different corner

Movies: what s eating Gilbert Grape

A: Amy Wine-House

Music: Elton John says when rolling under the covers

that s what they call the blues but most people

know it as jiggy jiggy with It & outside the covers

can be boogieboogie wonderland


deceivingTV : 8 out of 10 cats has nothing to do with pets

We built this city on rock & toilet rolls

abbreviations: P &P =pills & pain or pots & pans

GCSE =Gemma Collins Sarf-End

Steve Jones tiling ISN t same as Steve Jones on the tiles

Kelly Row-land:

when love takes ov er................

i`ll go commando-er


George Michael said i wanna be your father figure .....but if you look for

fast love .... let s go outside , from a different corner

& i won t let your son come ... down with me

when come to love i want a slow hand but if you look for fast love

just "CALL ON ME"
Boarding school isn t same as carpentry

& fencing is different from shedding pounds


Paul young:

when girls asked to go home with him

he said wherever i lay my hat that s my home

but few times later he said

everytime you go away you take a piece of me with you(my flipping hat)
Please come back & stay (if bring back my hats)


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COME TO Gino for a " cap_a_gino & gordon_zola"

when Les Dennis is stressed_out goes to see London West end shows to feel
"Less Miserable"


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